Pickit 2 V2.61 Software

  • Pickit 2 v2.61 download. Pickit 3 software installation file. Pickit 3 programmer download XP. Featured Jul 05, 2018. How to clean registry.
  • The PICkit 2 Programmer application and with MPLAB. Example, one might be used in MPLAB as a debugger, a 2nd with. The UART Tool, and a 3rd with the Logic Tool. When opening the PICkit 2 application or selecting 'Tools. Check Communications' a dialog will open if multiple units are.
  • Microchip Technology, Inc. PICkit 2 Interface Guide Page 1 of 36 PICkit 2 Interface Guide PC Application v2.61 OS Firmware v2.32 Document #: Title: PICkit 2 Interface Guide Subtitle: Matches Firmware Version 2.32.00, and software V2.6100 Date: March 23, 2009 Description.

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Build Your Own PICKit 2 Clone

My Simplified PK2 Design

This is my PICkit 2 clone design. Its based on a simplified version of the Microchip PICkit 2 schematic and only supports 5v parts. It works with all the Microchip software including MPLAB, MPLABX,the PICkit 2 GUI Programming software and the PICkit 2 command line software.
It can be used with the PICkit 2 GUI Terminal Software and the PICkit 2 GUI Logic Analyzer. Best of all its an all leaded design that you can build in about an hour if you have of the parts.
Because this design is simplified and uses a fixed voltage reference, the programmer voltage cannot be controlled by the PICkit 2 software settings to lower the voltage. It also cannot do the 'Vpp First' mode which in rare cases you may need to re-program a PIC that has a very fast internal oscillator and internal MCLR enabled.
Because of the voltage limitation, programming 3v parts like the PIC32, PIC24 and some PIC18F parts that have a J in the part number are not supported. But for most of the PIC10F, 12F, 16F and 18F devices, this programmer works great and is a fun project to build that will be useful for a long time.

PICkit 2 Case

I created a PK2 case using my Davinci 3D printer and TinkerCad software. I'll have more detail on this and the open source files posted here in the future but for now here is the case in pictures. Here is the link to the Tinkercad Files:

PCB Layout

The screen capture of the ExpressPCB version of my PICkit 2 clone (I call PK2) is shown above. Below are the PCB layout and Schematic for the board. They are created in ExpressPCB so you will need that software to use them. They are slightly different than the pictures above but functionally the same.
These files are provided free for personal use only. They are not for commercial use. In other words you can't sell boards or a programmer based on this design without my permission.
Pickit 2 V2.61 Software
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Parts List

R12, R13, R17,R8
Part Number
20Mhz Crystal
0.47uf Cap
USB Connector
47uf 25v
6-Pin Header
Red LED T1
Green LED T1
Momentary Switch

PK2 Connections to PIC Device

The PK2 Programmer uses the same connection layout as the original PICkit 2. The Arrow on the PK2 board indicates pin 1 as shown in the picture below. Connecting to the PIC device for programming requires five connections (even though the programmer has six pins). The circuit on the right below shows the PIC device connections to the PICkit 2 header. The 10k, 0.1uf and 470 ohm or diode on the MCLR is only needed if you use an external MCLR reset. Many newer devices offer an internal MCLR pull-up. As a minimum you only need the 10k which is what is used on the CHIPINO module.

PICkit 2 Manuals

These are the Microchip manuals for using the PICkit 2. The User Guide covers the basics for using the PICKit 2 GUI programming software. It also covers the built in UART Tool for serial communication from the PIC back to the PICkit 2.
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The Logic Tool is an additional feature built into the PICkit 2 GUI software. The Logic Tool has its own user manual.
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PICkit 2 Software Description Summary

The software for the PICKit 2 is what makes it useable. There are different levels of software to be aware of when building your own PICkit 2. Here is the list of software I'll cover below. Note: PICkit 2 software below is written to run in Windows only but there are some versions written for Linux and Mac but I haven't used them and they aren't as well documented so I'll stick with Windows only.
  • PICKit 2 GUI - Windows GUI that controls the PICkit 2.
  • PICkit 2 Command Line - This is an alternative to the GUI. It controls the PICkit 2 but can be built into a IDE programming environment. This is the programming software used in my books and in the Great Cow Basic IDE.
  • PICkit 2 Firmware - This is the program that is loaded into the PIC18F2550 at the heart of the PK2 design. This communicates with the PICkit 2 GUI or the PICkit 2 Command line software running on a Windows PC.
  • PICkit 2 Device File - This file contains all the information the PICkit 2 needs to program each device. This file can be updated as new parts are released. This file is part of the PICkit 2 GUI and PICkit 2 Command line software. Originally the GUI and Command line used different device files but the Command line version was updated by MichaelS below so they could share one device file. This allows both of them to use the latest list of parts together and Dougy83 released a nice software tool to make updating the device file much easier.

All these software releases are listed below.

Original Microchip GUI Software

Below are links to the software files you need to build and use and build the PICkit 2 clone programmer.
This is the PICkit 2 GUI Software that runs independently to control the programming operation. You just load the .hex file and then press the Write button to send it to the PICkit 2 and blank PIC MCU. (Windows only)
To the left below is the file to install it and to the right is a picture of the software running.
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Note: All the PICkit 2 software requires Windows dotnet running on your PC. Chances are you already have it but if your computer is older then you can download it from Microsoft or download this version below that supports the PICkit 2 software.
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File Type: zip
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Original Microchip Command Line Software

This is the Command line V1.20 software you use to control the PICkit 2 from within an IDE or batch file (Windows only).
I use the command line version in the Great Cow Basic compiler IDE and the MCStudio IDE for PICBASIC. This is the official version released by Microchip. It uses its own device file that doesn't support all the latest parts.
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Note: Install this version of pk2cmd to get all the readme files with command line instructions and then rename the pk2cmd.exe and pk2devicefile.dat to oldpk2cmd.exe and oldpk2devicefile.dat. Then download the MichaelS Update below to get the latest devices. The full 8-bit (PIC12F, 16F and 18F) supported by the MichaelS update is furhter down on this page.

PIC18F2550 Firmware for Building your own PICkit 2

This is the firmware you program into the PIC18F2550. (You need a PIC Programmer to load this into the PIC18F2550).
Here is the direct link to the Microchip site: PICkit 2 Firmware V2.32
and here is the direct download (just in-case the link goes bad).
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I was asked about the Configuration settings for the firmware so I posted them below with a screen shot from the PICkit 2 software. You shouldn't need this though because the pk2v023200.zip above contains the .hex file that also has the configuration settings encoded in. So when you load the .hex file into the PIC programmer, it should automatically load the Configuration settings. For those that need to do this manually, the settings are below. (Click on the picture to make it easier to read).

MichaelS Update PK2CMD files

Read more about the v1.21 from this Microchip Forum Post
To install, just delete or rename your existing pk2cmd.exe and pk2devicefile.dat and then copy these to the same directory where those original files were. Everything should work as before but now you will have additional device support. (note: my pk2 design above only supports the 5v parts).
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File Size: 183 kb
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Updated Device File

In addition to everything above, I found this updated device file at this Micro Pascal site.
I've tried it on a few devices and it works and it also has support for even more devices than the MichaelS device file. It claims it supports 678 devices (41 more than the MichaelS version above) including some of the latest PIC16F parts.
File Size: 193 kb
File Type: dat

Pickit 2 Software Download

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William Roth updated the device file above and fixed a few bugs he found with device id's. He tested many devices but not all and then donated the file to the Great Cow Basic compiler. He also shared it with me. So if the device file above doesn't include the 8-bit device you are using, try this one below. Thanks William.
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Device File Editor

I needed to use the relatively new PIC16F1788 with Great Cow Basic but none of the device files above supported it. So I successfully used the Device File Editor from Dougy83 to create my own device file with PIC16F1788 support. I just modified a PIC16F1784 file with details from the PIC16F1788 programming specification.
So I recommend you replace all of the device files listed above with this one. Its the latest and greatest that I know of for 8-bit devices. Remember to rename it to just pk2devicefile when you use it with the pk2cmd or the PICkit 2 GUI software.
File Size: 193 kb
File Type: dat
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Device File Editor - here is the latest device file editor software. I put a copy here just in case Dougy83 ever takes his down. Its a .exe file that is in .zip format for safe download.

Pickit Software

Pickit 2 driver
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More Info

Here are the final Microchip Released files for PICkit 2.
Here are the Microchip Archive files which include some of the early PICkit 2 files.

Pickit 2 V2.61 Software Update

8-Bit Device Support List

Pickit 2 Driver Download

This is the list of devices reported to be supported by the pk2devicefile_1_63_146-4.dat udated device file above. This will work with any standard PICkit 2 programmer. The PK2 programmer is designed as a 5v programmer. Some of these devices are 3.3v only (some LF and all the J parts) so those devices can't be programmed with the PK2 unless you power the device separately and disconnect the diode D2. Most of these parts can be programmed with 5v so the PK2 covers the majority.